
Covering a range of genres from meditative folk-ballads to hip-hop, Bells of Kindness is the first full length Solaris studio album. With a solid and unique folk-rock sound, the album puts powerful vocal harmonies behind lyrics that are insightful, healing, courageous, and quite often funny. More Info >>>

Sweet and lively traditional tunes played on piano, mandolin, guitar and three fiddles. More Info >>>

Simple spirit folk songs about paradoxes, humiliations, follies, inspirations and revelations Along The Way. More Info >>>

What happens when you put together some hoppin' acoustic music, a few simple, elegant and lively dances, and eighty-odd friends and neighbours on a cold, rainy day in November? Pop this CD into your player to find out! More Info >>>

Endless winds, temples of light, the sunset of an ancient marriage of spirit & stone. More Info >>>