Alleluia: Dances of the Fourth Way Dervishes
Witness a demonstration of
rarely seen movements and music.
contemplative moving
meditations to fiercely energetic dervish dances,
these movements spring from
sources of ancient traditions,
both East and West.
The program includes
extraordinary forms of dancing meditations as well as a selection
of treasured movements from the Gurdjieff legacy, carried forward to
these times both
as moving
prayers and as a unique practice invigorating the inner striving to
know oneself
and cultivating the integration
of body, heart, and mind.
With the accompanying
piano compositions of Gurdjieff / De Hartmann, these sacred dances
embody a living
teaching - timeless, eternally precious and still unexpectedly fresh
morning dew on ancient earth.
Past Events:
Findhorn, Scotland , - 7:30 pm, Sept 3, 2011,
Baldissero Canavese, Italy - 9:00 pm, Aug 20, 2011
Vancouver BC. - 8:00 pm, August 8th, 2010
Seattle WA. - 7:30 pm, August 4th, 2010
Bellingham WA. - 7:30 pm, July 31, 2010
Cortes Island B.C. - 8:00 pm, July 4th, 2010
Nelson B.C. - 7:30 pm July 31, 2008
For more ticket information email info@sunship.com