Along The Way

“Along The Way” is a song book and 3 CD collection of over 50 original songs, stories and poems gathered from the musical journals of a small group of determined and lucky travelling companions.
These songs were not written for performance or public presentation but were originated as part of a multifaceted practice of self knowledge and creative spiritual “journaling”. Occasionally, they were shared as offerings amongst a small private circle of work friends traveling along their way. However, as it became apparent that many of the songs happened to be both listenable and even encouraging of such efforts, the authors agreed to risk exposure to a wider audience. Heard in this context, they offer a glimpse into each of the songwriter's inner challenges, methods and revelations. These songs as first recorded were obviously not rehearsed ( or intended for the general public ) and they also indicate the level of trust between such work friends. It is our wish to encourage others in their inner work and whether practiced or not, to consider improvising original material based on their experience.
Along The Way sampler CD
A sample album including the following selection of 19 songs from the Along The Way collection is now available for download here or by using the "add to cart" button at the bottom of this page.