All My Relations - Solaris

Ea nigada, ea nigada, ea nigada
qusdi idadadvhn, qusdi idadadvhn,
qusdi idadadvhn.
Ea nigada qusdi idadadvhn *

May I be a fine piece of this splendid creation
May my life be a blessing to all my relations,
All my relations, all my relations,
qusdi idadadvhn

I wish to be in harmony,
in harmony, harmony

And if in all my efforts
I still cause a provocation
I wish it may provide
an opportunity to awaken,
to awaken, to awaken,
qusdi idadadvhn

I wish to be the best I can be,
the best I can be, can be....

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All My Relations

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Tags: all my relations, interfaith songs, inspiring songs, songs about the earth, deep ecology, interfaith music, solaris recordings, vocals, guitar, harmony vocals, drum