Good Folk Rock - Solaris

Good folk rock, you rock, you who walk the talk
You who walk that rockin' walk the talk, walk on, rock on

Everyone has some weaknesses and everyone has some strengths
but sometimes folks stand up stand out
I wanna shout - out my thanks

Good folk rock, you rock, you who walk the talk
You who walk that rockin' walk the talk, walk on, rock on

Everyone can feel what is right and everyone has some insight
But some folks follow what they know until their life is like a light

I'm singing to all of you, all of you who all do
your very best to do what's best for all, walk tall, walk tall...

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Good Folk Rock

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Tags: good folk rock, peace songs, songs about kindness, inspiring songs, folk-rock, roots, vocal harmonies, positive music, motivational songs, songs about integrity, solaris recordings, vocals, guitar, harmony vocals, ukulele, percussion, ubass