About Sunship
The best about sunship pages on sunship.com (3 items)
Someone on this side of the website interface thought it best to include some explanation about who's doing this - so here's what they came up with...
Someone on this side of the website interface thought it best to include some explanation about who's doing this - so here's what they came up with...

Simple spirit folk songs about paradoxes, humiliations, follies, inspirations and revelations Along The Way.
New Band Name
We're updating our band name to the Sunship Awakeneers! Check out the new website at www.awakeneers.com and read about the name change in our newsletter here Stay tuned for an update to the app. solarismusic.org/newsletter?post=the-last-solaris-and-merry-mckentys-newsletter?email=app
We're updating our band name to the Sunship Awakeneers! Check out the new website at www.awakeneers.com and read about the name change in our newsletter here Stay tuned for an update to the app. solarismusic.org/newsletter?post=the-last-solaris-and-merry-mckentys-newsletter?email=app
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