Awakeneers Great Round Beauty

The best awakeneers great round beauty pages on (3 items)

Great Round Beauty - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Great Round Beauty by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2021 with vocals, guitar, french horn, harmony vocals, trombone, drum kit, trumpet, bass and sax). She’s a great round beauty, mama she is, She’s...
Awakeneers Awakeneers
Timeless contemporary folk music.

Great Round Beauty Lyrics Great Round Beauty Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for Great Round Beauty by Awakeneers: She’s a great round beauty, mama she is, She’s a great round beauty, mama she is, Yes she is, yes she is, yes she is, Yeeeah, Yeeeah. With classic curves and elegant grace, Exquisite features...

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