Awakeneers Tatla Lake To Trail

The best awakeneers tatla lake to trail pages on (3 items)

Tatla Lake to Trail - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Tatla Lake to Trail by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2020 with vocals, guitar, percussion, keyboard, fiddle, bass, accordion and ). , From poplar and pine to mountain valley trails, that wind among the...
Awakeneers Awakeneers
Timeless contemporary folk music.

Tatla Lake to Trail Lyrics Tatla Lake to Trail Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for Tatla Lake to Trail by Awakeneers: , From poplar and pine to mountain valley trails, that wind among the rocks, The open western sky, peaks that pile, high above the creeks that run across. CHORUS:, This place we all live, and this...

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