Bass Fiddle

The best bass fiddle pages on (4 items)

Shooting Starlight - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Shooting Starlight by Solaris (Barn Studio Version recording from 2013 with vocals, piano and bass fiddle). , One of those awesome nights, laying in the grass, with a heart-full of delight, seeing shooting star-light, Mother...
Rolling Wheels - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Rolling Wheels by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, ukelele, fiddle, banjo, bass, djembe, bodhran, percussion, guitar and accordion). Oh the wheels are rolling taking me to see, All the sweetest places in...
Singing Spring - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Singing Spring by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2020 with vocals, guitar, harmony vocals, fiddle, bass, keyboard and mandolin). The softness of the earth, and the sweetness in the air, All the plants...
Tatla Lake to Trail - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Tatla Lake to Trail by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2020 with vocals, guitar, percussion, keyboard, fiddle, bass, accordion and ). , From poplar and pine to mountain valley trails, that wind among the...

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