Who Am I

The best who am i pages on sunship.com (10 items)

Breathe - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Breathe by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, keyboard, drums, accordion, bass and djembe). Every breath is a blessing, And the rest is window dressing, If I'm pressed and stressing, I can test this lesson....
Every Piece - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Every Piece by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, ukelele, drums, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). The world's full of people, And they're all related to me, I've got several million relatives, In...
Who Am I Lyrics Who Am I Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for Who Am I by Solaris: I'm sitting here trying to find myself, Where are you? Where are you?. Track down that simple point of view, Where are you? Where are you?. When I look into the mirror, And see that face looking back, Who are...

Than Me - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Than Me by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2021 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, percussion and bass). , A lot of folks are better than I am, Are kinder and have bigger hearts, I am a work in progress, man,...
Consider - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Consider by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with guitar, vocals, keyboard, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). Consider the earth beneath my feet, Consider the air that smells so sweet, Consider the food that I must...
Good Folk Rock - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Good Folk Rock by Solaris (Barn Studio Version recording from 2014 with vocals, guitar, harmony vocals, ukulele, percussion and ubass). Good folk rock, you rock, you who walk the talk, You who walk that rockin' walk the talk,...
It's a Good Thing - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song It's a Good Thing by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2020 with vocals, piano, harmony vocals, cello, violin and bass). , It's a good thing, it's a good thing, To have friends, Who make your heart sing,...
Move - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Move by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, violin, bass, drums, percussion, accordion and djembe). CHORUS, Move..move.. like one who knows, Move..move.. like you're over your woes, and feel...
Buttons - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Buttons by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, bass, banjo and djembe). Buttons buttons, who's got buttons?, Inspired by buttons to write this cheer. Care to hear..?, A button got pushed, uh...
All of the Above - Solaris
MP3 download of the song All of the Above by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, bass, banjo, accordion and djembe). , Everyone has their own way to, pray and be faithful, Who could say one way is the only way, People...

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